The FPCC conference (Fibre Polymer Composites in Construction) is excited to announce the launch of its 2022 Early Career Researcher Competition, taking place as part of the event from 6 – 8th September at the University of Bradford.
The competition provides an invaluable opportunity for early-stage researchers working within this field to showcase their work, and provides a unique platform for research students to discuss and exchange ideas with their peers, and engage with key academic and industry leaders.
Each successful applicant will receive an opportunity to present during a ‘Pecha Kucha’ style presentation session and a place to display a poster with details of their work for the duration of the event.
The competition is aimed at the next generation of structural engineers who are enthusiastic about fibre-reinforced polymer composites in structural engineering and are ready to make their mark. By holding the competition as part of the FPCC conference it provides a great networking opportunity with industry professionals and is an excellent addition to anyone’s CV.
The ECR competition is open to those with less than five years (at the date of the) full time, or equivalent, research experience in FRP structural engineering. Delegates may be students registered for research degrees, employees of research organisations or those working in practice.
There will be one winner and two runners up. The first 50% of the final mark will be made up of scores from selected members of the event’s scientific committee, with the other half being made up of votes from delegates attending the conference on the day. The winning entries will be announced during the conference dinner on 7th September.
The 1st place early career researcher will receive an Amazon voucher to the value of £100. Two runners up will each receive a £50 Amazon voucher. The winner and runners up will also receive a certificate.
For details on how to apply, visit the conference website: