Market Strategies and Roadmap Reports

Market Strategies and Roadmap Reports


European Composite Market Report 2023

Chemistry-enabled Sustainable Composites

Department for Business and Trade – Why manufacturing supply chains matter

2023_Industry 4.0 maturity of Composite industry in the UK


UK Composites Industry report (Contact us for details)


How the UK Composites Sector will Deliver NetZero


2020 European Market Report

Transport Energy Network Report 2020

APC-Passenger-car-electrification-report-June 2020

KTN Materials for Composites Special Interest Group final report 2019-20


Vision and Roadmap for the use of FRP Composites in Construction 2019

2019 European Market Report

Towards Design-for-Recyclability and Sustainable Manufacturing

BSI – A UK Standards Strategy for the Uptake of Light-weight Materials by the Transport Industry 2019

Offshore Wind Industry Supply chain Review 2019

ATI Composite Roadmapping Results 2019

Vision and Roadmap for Sustainable Composites 2019


AVK European Market Report 2018

Aerospace Sector Consultation – September 2018


Industrial Strategy – Building a Britain Fit for the Future – November 2017

Modernising Composite Materials Regulations (April 2017)

BINDT Report from the Workshop on NDT Requirements for Automotive Composites (2017)

AVK European Market report 2017


AVK European Market report 2016 – Report from the German composites industry association

UK Composites Strategy (2016)

BINDT Report from the Workshop on NDT and SHM Requirements for Aerospace Composites (2016)

Recycling Report (2016)

Carbon Fibre Report 2016

Shale Gas to Biomass – Future of chemical feedstocks (2016)

Blue Guide on implementation of EU product rules 2016


CLF Strategy Executive Brief – March 2015

Wood Plastic Composites-NFC-Market-Study-Short-Verson 2015


Composites Leadership Forum UK Composites Study Summary (2013)

Composite Materials Resource Efficiency Action Plan (2013)

UK Composites Supply Chain Scoping Study (2010)

UK Composites Strategy (2009)

Composites Research Summary Report (2009)

Good Practice Guidance

The Sustainability of Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites (2022)
The guide is free-of-charge, subject to the completion of a short questionnaire, which asks about your company’s sustainability emphasis and concerns. Click the link to be taken to Survey Monkey.

EcoCalculator for Beginners (2021)

Toray’s Guide to Composites (Click to request your copy)

Joining of Composites – Good Practice Guide (2020)

Fire Performance of Composites – Good Practice Guide (2019)

FRP Bridges – Guidance for Designers – October 2018

BioComposites – Technology Overview (2014)

Composite Recycling – Summary of Recent Research and Development (2010)

Composites Standardisation (2007 – TWI / NCN)

Design Tools for Fibre Reinforced Polymer Structures – (2007 – TWI / NCN)

Nanocomposites Technology Review (2007 – TWI / NCN)

Adhesive Bonding of Composites (2007 – TWI)

End of Life Options for Composite Waste (2006 – TWI / NCN)

Repair of Fibre Reinforced Structures (2006 – TWI / NCN)

Technical Textiles (2006 – TWI/ NCN)