Are you looking to stay ahead of the curve and find new growth opportunities in 2024? Join us to uncover the latest trends impacting tech businesses and how you can help to shape the future of airport technology in the US and beyond.

  • Date: 26 March 2024
  • Time:14:00 to 15:00 (GMT)

Are you looking to make your tech business soar in 2024? Get off to a flying start with this webinar, where you’ll find out how you can shape the future of airport technology in the US and beyond.
As part of the session, you’ll get the exclusive opportunity to hear from Miami Dade Aviation Departmentas they share top insights from Miami International Airport’s journey to becoming a smart city airport.

They’ll cover:

  • Their main vision for transforming into a smart city airport.
  • The tech and innovation challenges they’re looking to solve.
  • How your business can help to continue shaping the future of the airport.

Alongside techUK, Vivat, and Wilson SonsiniGoodrich & Rosati, you’ll also discover:

  • Key trends and opportunities for technology and innovation in the US market.
  • Key considerations when looking at US expansion.

How to successfully navigate the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Why the US?

The US has the world’s largest Tech market, boasting a market value of $1.7 trillion. Meanwhile, the UK is Europe’s leading techhub, attracting more venture capital investment than any other European country. These two nations have a rich history of collaboration in the Tech sector–highlighted by the many success stories out there. In fact, exports of British data-enabled services to the US, like finance and computer services, were estimated to be worth morethan £69 billion in 2020 and are set to grow.

As global technology and markets continue to evolve rapidly, it’s crucial for UK tech and digital businesses to stay ahead ofthe curve and explore new avenues for growth in 2024.

Click here for more details and to register

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