On Wednesday 15th June 2022, CNC Robotics, a leading SME business specialising in advanced machining applications founded by Jason Barker in 2010, is inviting guests to visit its new premises based in Mersey Reach, Liverpool. The business moved into a new award-winning industrial development during the Summer of 2021 and is also home to Skinny Tonics and Hanson Springs. The open house hopes to inspire, educate, and connect the Manufacturing and Engineering community.
The Open House will include a robotic machining demonstration from the company’s Artist in Residence, Liz Wilson. Liz will be working with the companies Automation Engineers on the day machining a sculpture which formed part of her installation for Art in Manufacturing; the headline commissioning programme for the National Festival of Making takes place on 11th – 13th June.
More details: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cnc-robotics-open-house-tickets-334846674417