21 March 2024, Derby
Conference themes
What’s happening in aerospace markets?
Stay abreast of:
- what current global and economic political forces will most affect Midlands aerospace manufacturers
- predictions of short-term aircraft demand and passenger growth and their likely impact on the Midlands
- the latest thinking on future aircraft technology trends, hydrogen, electric, SAF and what they could mean for the future of your company.
Where are the opportunities in other industries?
You will learn:
- business growth opportunities in a range of industries markets that could be attractive to your company — defence, space, nuclear . . .
- do’s and don’ts from the experts: what aerospace companies need to do to succeed in these diverse markets.
Get right up to date with how Rolls-Royce
- anticipates rapid growth in its civil aerospace business with a slate of recent new orders
- is reorganising its global operations to make them simpler and more efficient
- is strengthening its financial position
- and what this means for procurement and supply chain.
Best practice environmental sustainability for aerospace manufacturers
Learn how you can accelerate your company’s journey to environmental sustainability by getting involved in the brand new government-funded project the MAA is leading with ITP Aero, Collins Aerospace and four representative SME members on “Decarbonising the Midlands Aerospace Cluster.”
And there’s more! Latest updates
- about the brand new (2024) SME funding scheme from the Aerospace Technology Institute for your R&D project
- how you can apply for funding from MoD/DASA for your novel idea that has defence applications
- what future aerospace business networking opportunities the MAA has planned
- how to make the most of July’s Farnborough Airshow – even if you aren’t exhibiting
- what a new report by the Midlands Engine and the MAA says about the positive economic impact the aerospace industry has on jobs and the Midlands economy — and the need to support manufacturers to invest in R&D to increase that impact
- what’s at stake for aerospace in this year’s local and general elections.
For more details, visit: https://www.midlandsaerospace.org.uk/events/conference-2024