Norco’s EVTOL Concept Aircraft

Norco Composites & GRP introduces the full-scale airframe mock-up of the eVTOL (Electric Vertical Take Off and Landing) aircraft. This project highlights their capabilities in composite structure design and manufacturing, aiming to contribute to the evolution of aviation technology.

Airframe Design: The eVTOL airframe includes wing and fuselage sections designed for testing the tilt-wing mechanism and electric propulsion system. The wings are engineered for potential flight use, balancing structural needs and aerodynamic considerations. The fuselage sections function as aerodynamic fairings to ensure realistic airflow simulation.

Functionality and Testing: The airframe is equipped with six rotors, enabling both lift and propulsion. For practical testing, the airframe will be mounted on a vehicle test rig and driven on a runway. This process allows for data collection on tilt-wing aerodynamics and propulsion system electrification.

Manufacturing Process: The wing sections are made using carbon fibre reinforcement, employing various manufacturing techniques for optimal performance. The fuselage sections use glass fibre as the primary reinforcement, with carbon fibre UD for added stiffness where necessary. This material selection reflects our commitment to quality and efficiency in manufacturing.

Cost-Effective Validation: Norco Composites & GRP’s approach in designing and manufacturing the eVTOL airframe facilitates structure validation using cost-efficient tooling and methods. This ensures readiness for composite material use in potential large-scale production.

In conclusion, the eVTOL Concept Aircraft project showcases Norco’s expertise in advanced composites and contribution to the aviation industry’s advancement. It represents Norco’s commitment to developing efficient and effective solutions in composite manufacturing.
