Composites UK is committed to encouraging equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) among our own workforce, and across the UK composites sector as a whole.
Promoting and delivering EDI in the workplace is an essential aspect of good people management. It’s about creating working environments and cultures where every individual can feel safe, a sense of belonging and is empowered to achieve their full potential.
The starting point of this journey for the UK composites industry was to benchmark where we are as a sector. The 2024 Composites UK survey of its members was the first of its kind in the industry.

Members can log in and download the report here.

The aim of this work is not to set targets for the industry at this stage, and certainly not to become a ‘tick-box’ exercise, but to challenge organisations to review basic practices and behaviours as to whether they are barriers to inclusion. By raising awareness across the sector, we hope to enable a step change in attracting a more diverse talent pool into the sector to ensure the future sustainability of the industry.

Composites UK will lead a five-year strategy to drive sector-wide change, introducing an EDI framework, a member pledge, and extensive resources to support member companies in fostering more inclusive workplaces.