Embodied Energy

The energy consumed by the production of FRP materials, also referred to as embodied energy, can vary significantly according to the type of the fibres and the manufacturing processes.

While carbon fibre gives greater weight savings, the environmental impact of carbon fibre reinforcement is much higher than that of glass fibre, because manufacture of carbon fibre precursors and the fibres themselves is very energy intensive. Use of carbon fibre from recycled sources can reduce this impact. Recycled carbon fibres are now available as short, chopped fibres and as non-woven mats, and progress on short fibre alignment is opening the way to more structural applications. In the future, carbon fibre from plants where renewable energy is used and from bio-based precursors may further reduce impact.

In glass fibre reinforced polymers, the polymer resin has the highest material impact. Use of bio-based or partially bio-based resins may reduce this.

Values quoted for embodied energies vary widely. The EuCIA Eco Impact Calculator is a useful tool providing data based on industry averages.

Download our technical sheet on Environmental Impact and Embodied Energy

Download the Noorland bridge environmental impact and embodied energy case study