NCC Technology Day 1: Composites Survivability

The National Composites Centre is facilitating a series of Technology Days as part of the Composites Technology Forum for UK Defence. Each event will focus on a priority technology theme that has been identified and selected from a consultation with industry and the Ministry of Defence.

Each Technology Day will provide a collaborative discussion space between the Forum Steering Board, the UK industrial supply chain and academic communities that is focused around one of the priority technology themes.

The six Technology Days will be held throughout 2022 hosted by the NCC in Bristol (and/or accessible online), each providing an opportunity for participants to present novel materials and manufacturing technology from mid to low TRL around the priority theme. This will not only help direct future research projects but will also open up opportunities for collaboration with other participants.

During each Technology Day, the NCC will also outline any current or planned research relevant to the theme and details of how to participate in future NCC-directed research projects or initiatives. There will be a chance to discuss any ‘open’ or ‘future-planned’ public funding routes on this topic combined with an opportunity for the voice of the Ministry of Defence Executive agencies Dstl, AWE and SDA to be heard.



Event dates & times