12 December 2022 – 1pm – 2pm, Zoom
With a big shakeup set to occur in the new year for the R&D tax regime, is your business doing everything it can to ensure it is getting every penny of funding available to it?
On Monday 12th December, we are joined by Catax’s Senior R&D Tax & Grants managers, Mehul Kypianou-Chavda PhD & Laura O’Neil PhD.
Prior to joining Catax Mehul & Laura worked as scientists and engineers in the composites & battery space. Alongside technology road-mapping they both have worked on the development of cutting-edge technologies and interacted with teams across the spectrum from idea generation through to product rollout.
They now sit on the other side of the table and in this session will be sharing their invaluable insights into the Composites industry from a funding perspective.
At the end of the session, you will be able to book in a free 15-minute consultation with the team for an innovation funding health check where we offer support for your specific circumstances.
Webinar Content
- Understand how Innovation Funding can be utilised to dampen the effects of the economic crisis.
- Review upcoming R&D tax changes and the uprising of fraudulent claims & how to avoid a HMRC enquiry.
- Grant Funding Masterclass.
- Live Q&A and support for your businesses.
- Funding Health Check.
This webinar is free for Composites UK members. There is a charge of £50 + VAT for non-member companies to attend.
Register via Eventbrite, here: https://cukcatax.eventbrite.co.uk
Before registering…Please make sure your company is a member of Composites UK before claiming your free ticket, which you can do here. Non-members registering on this ticket will have their place cancelled.
By registering for this event you are agreeing for your details to be shared with Catax to be used to follow up post event.