Candidates Looking for an Internship

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If you’re looking for an internship position in the UK, you can list your details on this page for the UK industry to see.

Email with your contact details as well as:

  • The area in composites you would like to intern in.
  • The duration of your ideal internship.
  • A short paragraph of why you are looking for this work and your long-time goals.
  • Your country of residence.
  • Your up-to-date CV/resume.

Your details will be posted here for 3 months and included in our newsletter, sent out to 15,000 composite professionals every fortnight.

Looking for Interns?

If you are a member company with internships available we’d love to list your vacancy here.

Please email details to which should include:

  • Type of internship.
  • Job description.
  • Duration the position is available.
  • Any additional help for the successful applicant (pay, help to find accommodation etc).
  • How interested people should apply.

Listings are free-of-charge and placed in our fortnightly bulletin to members.