The Compcut Challenge Calls for Trial Materials

Sharp & Tappin, an engineering business for advanced composite cutting, is proud to announce its latest challenge for advanced materials. The Compcut Challenge asks businesses to question their traditional approach to cutting, by sending their composite material samples to Sharp & Tappin.

Producing consistently accurate test samples is an essential part of the production process when composites are being used in critical precision engineering. For many however, it is an inconvenient activity that is slow, dirty, labour-intensive, and poses a high health and safety risk.

Many top engineering businesses and academic institutions have now overcome these frustrations since discovering that using a Compcut advanced machining solution is the most effective and efficient way to carry out this task. These machines are widely used by a broad range of composite engineers to produce those essential test samples.

As a proof of concept Sharp and Tappin are asking companies to challenge their traditional approach, by supplying a selection of their materials to cut on the Compcut machines, so these clients can see if they can enhance or improve their current sample cutting processes.

Sharp & Tappin will demonstrate the cutting of these materials live, so that the client can see first-hand how businesses using Compcut machines can produce their samples more:

  • Safely – Offering an enclosed cutting environment eliminating manual feed.
  • Cleanly – The enclosed process allows the machine to be used in a ‘lab’ environment.
  • Quickly – With unprecedented speed producing samples that are ‘test-ready’ from the machine.
  • Easily – Compcut can safely and effectively be used by anyone with simple training.
  • Cost-Effectively – Compcut’s speed increases production and reduces cleaning costs.
  • With consistent accuracy – Compcut will deliver clean, accurate cuts, every time.
  • Producing less waste and debris- Accurate cuts means less scrap.

There are four ways to take part in the Compcut Challenge:

  • Book a demo at JEC World where Sharp & Tappin will provide live demonstrations throughout the course of the show (3rd-5th May 2022).
  • Visit the Sharp & Tappin HQ for a factory tour and demonstration on an agreed date.
  • Forward the desired material to Sharp & Tappin and witness a live video demonstration, then have the samples and video returned for review.
  • Arrange for an on-site demo at the desired location where Sharp & Tappin will deliver a Compcut machine and provide a live demonstration, at a convenient time.

Jon Small, of Sharp & Tappin says: “The Compcut range delivers excellent results every time. With this new challenge, we are sure that the benefits of using Compcut machines will be demonstrated and coupled with a strong ROI will make a clear justification for purchase.

To take the challenge you will need to submit some of your composite material for Sharp and Tappin to cut, so please fill in the form on the Compcut website:

The Compcut suite of cutting solutions will be on display at JEC World in Paris from 3rd to 5th May in Hall 6, Stand S60.